Premier Wireless Connecting People to Resources (CPR) for Pennsylvania Students Experiencing Homelessness
Internet-equipped cellphones keep students experiencing homelessness connected to school, resources, and vital support systems. Service-equipped cellphone devices are now available for Pennsylvania children and youth experiencing homelessness at no cost to them.
Having access to a cellphone is a critical component of support for children and youth experiencing homelessness. A cellphone with internet access is a lifeline to resources. Recognizing this need, Pennsylvania Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (PA ECYEH) is making a limited number of cellphones available to eligible McKinney-Vento students at no cost to them or schools. A limited number of devices are now available. Service duration is included up to March 1, 2026.
This project is part of Pennsylvania’s Education for Children and Youth Experiencing Homelessness (PA ECYEH) program and funded by the American Rescue Plan Homeless Children and Youth (ARP-HCY) program fund.
Students receiving devices must be identified as McKinney-Vento eligible within Pennsylvania’s ECYEH data system. There is no age requirement for McKinney-Vento eligible students. LEA Homeless Liaisons may decide on a case-by-case basis based on the appropriateness for the student.
The CPR program allows schools to:
- Keep contact and communicate with students via school messaging apps and text messaging.
- Maintain a reliable phone number with the student and family.
- Add additional apps, like school learning management systems (LMS) and other area resources.
The CPR program allows students to:
- Feel less isolated and improve their real-time communication with their schools and area resources.
- Maintain a reliable phone number for schools and other wrap-around services for contact, like The Bridge Project in Pennsylvania.
- Independently contact available resources, like those found within the Finding Your Way in PA app, during evenings and weekends when needed most – including crisis hotlines, food pantries, counseling, and shelters.
- Receive regular and timely communication from schools via school messaging apps and text messaging.
- Access school LMS platforms such as Classroom, Schoology, or Clever.
CPR Device Features
General Features
- Unlimited voice communication and calling.
- Unlimited internet access including on-screen data and Wi-Fi hotspot data.
- Includes case and screen protector.
- Includes remote Mobile Device Management (MDM) capability with location tracker and device suspension.
- Custom-built prior to shipping with important apps and information available to PA ECYEH students.
- “White Glove” support provided by Premier Wireless.
- Powered by T-Mobile.
Safety Features
- Ability to call 9-1-1 and other crisis lines during emergency situations.
- Ability for the device to be locked and “wiped” remotely (by school request)
- Ability to restrict access to web browsing and downloading mobile apps (by school request).
- Ability to restrict/block calling to/from numbers (by school request and user).
How to Obtain a Device for Eligible Students:
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The Local Education Agency (LEA) Homeless Liaison makes a device request using the online request form.
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The device request is reviewed by PA ECYEH Program staff. The Homeless Liaison must identify the student experiencing homelessness in the PA ECYEH Program data system prior to approval.
- 3
Upon approval, the device is shipped to the LEA Homeless Liaison for distribution to the student. The CPR cellphone is custom built prior to shipping to provide the student with access to important apps and school and area resources.
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After the phone is shipped, Premier Wireless will contact the Homeless Liaison to push additional contacts, apps, or school and area resources via OTA (Over the Air).
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The Homeless Liaison will be sure to record this service delivery for the student in the PA ECYEH Program data system. (This is an ARP-HCY service.)
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If/when a student’s McKinney-Vento status changes, the Homeless Liaison should contact [email protected] to discuss service length and continuity of use.
Questions? Contact [email protected].